So today I went on Xbox Live (where else?) and downloaded the Lego Indiana Jones game. I downloaded this based off the demo of Starwars Lego I'd tried out a few months ago and loved. Needless to say I wasn't let down by this demo!

The game its self is simple, no epic graphics, no dialog, and very family friendly. This also means it's quite easy, and although you'll find I'm the first to complain games these days are getting too easy, I think games like this should be easy cause if I wanted a hardcore gaming day I'm more likely to load up Gears of War or Kane and Lynch, not Lego. This is the kinda game you wanna sit down and play when you've had a stressful day at work and fancy something with simple, not laugh out loud, but fun humour to it, and the demo provides that from time to time, as well as pretty good controls, a simple interface, and just fun game play.
You wont find any 'all new' features in this from the Starwars game, the franchise isn't about that thank god. This is like switching from Day of Defeat to Counter Strike, basically the same game with a few tweaks, and a totally different look.
But I'm reviewing this as if I've played the whole game, this is just about the demo! So, what can I say about the demo? It's long, a whole level of the game. It's a good level with a key and well known moment from the movies even if you've never seen them. And the 'collect all 10 chests' mini-quest within the level had me replaying the level 3 times! I was told by a friend that the demo even had a co-op mode, but I couldn't find it so I don't think that's true, but you can't condemn them for that considering they've put a nice chunk of the game into this demo to give you a real feel for weather or not you wanna play the rest.

I have to admit after playing this, when I've got the cash I might go out and buy all the games in this franchise :D
Well worth a download, especially if you have kids or are a kid at heart.
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